22 August 2005

Year 2005

In the year of 2005
I started my journey to study for my O levels at Business Marketing Commerical,BMC.I was excited as its a new school for me.I did not go back to CHEC.Don't ask me why as i won't be jotting down.Some personal things,this is what i can tell you all..Now,studying at BMC is like shit,everything go hay-wire.My favourite subject,E-Math,gone hay-wire. Simple Algebra can't do.Sob Sob...What to do?My mid-year exam result came out,all red except Chinese.Don't know what to do?I feel like a failure in life.My members do help me in my weaker subjects but now as you know,i have to work in order to go school to study and also forget someone which hurt me.Till now,i still can't forget my friends,who care for me as really when i need them even in the middle of the night, they were here for me. I really love them and why must these things happened to me??Help!!!
My father have ******** and they are getting divorced also...What the heck is this?This make me more hate my father.I'm not going to forgive him...

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