20 August 2005


What is going on in my life?
I came to this world in 1980.My world is really damn fucking...
When i were a baby,my father did not supported my daily escential...This was what i heard from my grandma...Sad hor..
Whenever,my milk powder had finished,my father won't give my mum $ to buy milk for me.Only,my grandma,gave my mum $ to buy,otherwise i won't be here in this world...
Since young,my father is like that le...don't really care for us..
When i started to grow up,i already hate my father...who don't care for us,pocket $ for family...nah....
That's why,i hate him...A lot of things happened in my family,but only my mum support this family...
She is the greatest mum i ever had although she nag and nag...
When i were young,i always hide my emotions,feelings inside my heart...don't tell anyone how i felt...That's why,my mum is so frightened of me getting some sort of illness...
Till i reached Secondary School,i started to open up my heart to my peers & friends...
In the year of 2002,my friend cum penpal,Darren,invited me to his church,City Harvest Church,CHC.
I was nervous as i never went to church before.When i first stepped in,the urshers welcome as a close friends.I was a bit stunned...In the end,i was saved by the blood of Jesus...which means i am a CHRISTIAN...
At first,my parents really disagreed me going church...But i insisted going and our relationship became not so good...We don't have the laughter,we supposed should have...but in the end,my mum let me go to church...as i pray along the way...
In the year of 2003,i entered a school call City Harvest Education Centre,CHEC.I was retaking my N level as i wanted to pursue a higher qualification for my future prospect. Along the way,there's some tribulations going on my way...I ended up having relationship with a non-christian...Oh dear,my leader found out this things and started to talk to me about this relationship... In the end,i broke off with him,i'm sad,cry...but without their care,i think i almost burst to madness as i really love him with all my heart,just like i love God... Then my tribulations not over yet,still to come along...my friends broke relationship with me,we fought,cried..I even wanting to die,letting them to punch me... Eventually,i seldom going back to church...My leader and members came down to talked to me,hoping me to go back to Him...So....i went back.

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