28 October 2005

Last Day At BMC

Last day of school
Today,last day of school.Can say happy & oso sad lol...Happy is i can save some $$ on transport. Sad is i have to leave the school where i have to miss the staff over there except my Math teacher which i not going to miss him.Haha...
Today,i only go for Chemistry lesson as morning i can't really wake up as yesterday i sick; difficult in breathing and whole body feeling hot.I no go see doc as i no $$.Don't wish to waste the $$ as doc will give me med which make my hands shiver...
After lesson,i go to the office to say fare-well to the staff over there...Then i go to Jurong East to online...
Will miss my friends and teachers and the staff in the office.
Take care my friends and keep in Touch.Ya...

18 October 2005

Today @ J.E

J.E using Com.
This few nights,i can't sleep well,thinking of him.I really regret of letting him go.Instead chosing God.Did i make a mistake?Anyone can tell me?
I really miss him,its already 2 years le and i still remember him.Haiz...Now Os coming and i still thinking of him.How i wish he is by my side now,stand by me.I so sad.Sob sob...
What have i done?Although you see my laughing and sem nothing happen but deep inside my heart,it's so pain in it...I don't know in the first place,did i chose the wrong decision?Am i wrong???
Can't forget him,always remember him,our happy moments...

14 October 2005

At City Hall Internet

City Hall Using Internet
Yesterday night,i did not sleep so well..This few days,i can't even sleep well,don't know if its exam stress...Haiz..This morning,i went down to school for my English Lesson,then my teacher said me look very pale,and i told her i no sleep last night.She asked me why?I said:can't sleep! Haiz...Then later Chemistry teacher,Ms Joni also said me look pale.Haiz...
After my lesson,i went to Sc Practical as long time no go le since after my mid-year exam has ended.Thought teacher can give some tips,Haiz..in the end,nothing.So sad... We just do experiment and all things seems up-side down.Can't find this solution and that solution. Haiz... So upset that i feel like going off but i did not do it la as this is our last Practical lesson.
After lesson,i took MRT to City Hall as later i have lesson at CHEC at 7.30pm for my chemistry on Metals Extractions.Hope this weekends,i can sleep very well...

05 October 2005

So Good Can Relax

Relax Day
Today,i slept till 1.30pm,feeling so good.But...my mum also taking leave today.Haiz...Can't stand her nagging..But today also can say good la as she cooked her long time favourite CHICKEN CURRY...Love her curry very much...
This afternoon,Tiffany called me at last she called.She long time no go school and long time no news from her.Now at least i know she is here...Haha...
Later this evening,i went out to J.E as can't stand my mum nagging.Don't feel like going out but still have to go out.Haiz...Went to play pool with Jennifer and after that i here online using J.E com.An hour cost $2.50.Haha...What to do,my com down lol... Haiz...
Sian now as not much people online to chat...Haiz...Later after using com,i have to go back to have my dinner and then start to revise my work with Jennifer...
Shall end here...Take care my pal...

04 October 2005

Juro Eastwriting blog during Lesson time

Skip Lesson
It's now 12.15pm.I skip lesson to come here to write my blog.Haha...So bored in class...
Last few nights,i can't sleep,thinking of my exs,the one who i went during Year 2003 when i'm in CHEC...I till now still can't forget him.In my whole life,till this age,i truely in love with 2 person,one is in Secondary,name Alan,the other is him le,Jack.
How i wish we never part.I regreted part with him as that time i have to choose between him and God.And in the end,i choose God instead of him.
Now,i really sorry,i want him back...I write letter to him but he no reply me. I still waiting for his call or mail.
How i wish he could call me now.
I cut my wrist last few night back,but nobody knows.only my classmates know and some of my friends know as they saw the plaster which i use. I very sad and don't know what to do?So in the end,i done silly things.Haha...now think of it,it's fun but pain la...Haha...