12 June 2007

11 Jun'07,this day,I won't forget


On the 11 Jun'07,I was working full shift again...Haiz...Full again...thought of April Fool Day. Haha...

On that day,other promoters asking me what shift I'm working,then I replied them April Fool Day lol...

After my work,I went to Vivo City to meet my god-brother and friends and after which,we went to coffee bean to have a coffee while waiting for my dear to come and meet us.

After which,we took cab to Sentosa and camping at the Twin Towers.

We had a hard time setting up the tent at the open space and at around 3 plus in the morning,it rained and we moved to the second floor of the Twin Tower then set up without the tent and only sleeping bags out.

At around 4 plus,me and one of the girlfriend slept while dear and my god-brother looked out.

At around 6.30am,I woke up and asked dear to accompany me to the washroom and after which,we strolled at the beach and then we went back to the Twin Tower.

At around 7.30am,we left the Twin Tower to go to the washroom and bath.After which,we took the beach tram to walk around then took the Monorail...

We had breakfast at the Sub-way and then we went for a walk then took the monorail back to the Palawan Beach as we put our things at the lockers.

After which,we took the monorail back to Vivo City and had lunch together.After which,we were separted and dear and me went back home by cab when we reached Outram Park.

After when we back home,dear and I slept the afternoon and at around 6.30pm,dear and I went opposite the coffeeshop to buy dinner and then went back home and had our dinner at my room.

At around 8.30pm,dear left my place and he went home.

Although today and yesterday,it rained,we had a great time together.

Dear,thanks for giving me such a romance day,I won't forget it.Dear,just wana let you know that this 4 months,I'm very happy together with you.I will treasure you.

Oh ya,today I'm having my rest day...Haha...Tomorrow,haiz...had to work again lol... :-(

Oh ya,Dear gave me a flower for our 4 months together.Love you always...We had Voka Absoulte and red bull mixed together and drink...Wow...shock man...!!!

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