05 May 2007

Saturday Rembrance

After my work,I went to Joy's house.Miting Jun at 4.30pm at Tampines Control.I reached early and went to Mac to buy double fish burger at $6.60.

After which,we took cab to Joy's house.We stayed there and had bible study.We talked about 2 Timothy as these few weeks,I did not go for bible study as I had to work.

After which,we celebrated early happy spiritual mother's day.We bought small cake and flowers for Jun.After that,we left Joy's house.I took cab to Bugis as miting dear there.

Dear bought me a bag and he hinself get a bag also.

After that,we took train to Bukit Panjang as we mit Kang Li there and had Mac again.After that,we took bus 187 back home while Kang Li took another bus to Chua Chu Kang and transfer as she stayed at Yew Tee.

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