08 March 2006

At my dear gap,mint hse

At my dear Mint aka gap hse
Yesterday night till now,i havn't even had a slp yet...Wahaha..going to be "神" le..After my work,i go mint hse.Later we going to have to dinner together.Haha..tell u a secert,from Sunday night till today,my nose still bleed...Can't stand my nose..Tell u something,one day,i going to cut off my nose when i finally find a place to breath..
Yesterday,i no go to work as on Monday,i bleed very seriously so Tuesday i no go to work. Mint & Esther come to my house & visit me.I'm so touched..After awhile,Amelyn & Elvin also came to my house...
Thanks pal for visiting me...
You all are my great pal..
Take care my friend & cya around..

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