10 November 2006

Giordano Scholarship

This morning,I woke up at 6.30am as Joy gave me morning call followed by Tine.Later when I wanted to go bathing,Vani called me.After which,I went to bath and then stepped out of my house.I took bus 99 at around 7.25am.

When I reached school,it was 8am and I went to staff office to meet Hazel over there and then we took our blazzer down at Retail Studio,after which we went to Admin office to wait for our parents.

Cherish,Fifi,Vick and Shayne are ushers today.We,Ilah,Aisah,Kris and I getting the Scholar awards today.We went to the conference room first and signed the contract after which we went to LT and get the award.After that,we had a refreshment just outside LT.After which,it's about 11am and my mummy went off and I stayed in school for OIT lesson.

At about 11.40am,Mrs Tay released us and I went to the washroom to change into my home clothes as the uniform had to return to Co-op.The rest went off.After I had a change,I went to staff room and returned the uniform to Mrs Wo including Hazel's one.After that,I took bus 99 back home.

I reached home at 12.35pm and had my lunch with mummy.

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