25 September 2006

Wow...quite long time no blog


Hmm...Long time no blog in here as that time my laptop was taken to repair and after repair,lazy to write in blog.Haha...

Last Wedensday,I moved in to Woodlands to stay with my grandma so friends anything you all still can call me or sms me and I will still answer or reply or mail.So no worries...

During holidays,I will still be in Jurong as still have to work.Haha...

Last week was a tiring week for me as I had to work and long time no work so can't really adapt to it. Yesterday was Sunday and in the morning,I went to Church with a tiring look even Andrew asked me why I looked so moody today?Jun told her that I was feeling tired.Jun and Andrew prayed for me.I feel so blessed to have Jun as my leader,sister and friends whom I can talk to.Thank God for Andrew as I treat him as a big brother to me and he is very fun to play with. Haha...Really wana thank God for putting them both in my life.

Yesterday,sermon was preached by Pst Melyvn Mak.It was about the choices that determine our Destiny.It was such a good sermon and thank God for the blessing as yesterday I was feeling very tired the whole day and thank God as I did not sleep in the service.I even enjoy the sermon...

Thank God for my gappy as she blessed me breakfast. After the service in the morning,I stayed around in Expo as waiting for Yilin as accompany her for the afternoon service which started at 1.30pm.After the service,Yilin and I went back home by taking train.While waiting for the train to come,I saw sis Klessis and Isabel and their cell members.

I reached my grandma house at 5.30pm and had my dinner at 6pm.Yesterday I slept very early at 11.30pm.That's a break through...Haha...Thank God.

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