24 June 2006

Community Works At Meiling Street on Saturday

Community Works At Meiling Street On Saturday

This morning,I woke up at 6.45am as at 7am, I needed to give morning call to my classmate for those who were on duty.

At about 8am,I went off my house and walked to Kristine house downstair to meet her and we went together to MRT station to meet Hannah.

We mit others at either 9.30-9.45am at Queenstown MRT control.After miting them,we walked to Meiling Street,Block 151.

We played games with the senior and encouraged them.We even chatted with them.It was fun,enjoyable and memorable day.

We left at about 12pm and we took MRT to Orchard with Kristine,Bei Ying & Jia Li while other went back home.We went Orchard to do our RTO project and we walked till my leg was in pain.

After the Projects,I went to Thomas Medical Hospital to see Meiling,Sweetie...as she just give birth.


After which,I took bus 143 to Jurong East and transferred to bus 198 to home.I reached home about 8 plus.

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