29 May 2006

Sermon is very good

Sermon is very Good

This morning,I woke up at 6.30am and prepared to go service.Today,I'm not miting my gap,Qi long to took MRT to Expo as last Sunday,I bought a shutle bus ticket which cost $2.But Sis Jun paid for me.I was blessed...

Today,Apostle Lawrence Khong is back to Singapore as he went oversea.This morning,he preached Jabez Prayer which is very good sermon.

3 things of prayer:

1)It is a prayer of CONFIDENCE IN GOD-Be BOLD
-->1 chron 4:10
-->Ask God to open up the Heaven,to pour out His Blessing onto us.

2)It is a prayer of CONQUEST FOR GOD-Be HUNGRY
-->God wants us to be Hungry for Him.


Pastor wants us to pray this prayer:

Oh LORD,Bless me,Bless me,Bless me
Enlarge my Territory,Enlarge my Terriorty,Enlarge my Terriorty,
Let Your hand be with me and keep me from HARM so that I can be free from pain.
Deliver me from the Evil.
After the service,which ended at 11am,after that we went to took Jerold(Joy's nephew).About 11.30am,we went to foyer to start our BS.Sis Jun talked to us about Our NEW BIRTH. 1 cor 2:9-10.

After talking about our new birth,we started to pray for one another.I started the ball rolling.I was scared as I long time no pray and indeed I stopped there for 5mins and I haven't even start to pray till Sis Jun have to tell me that I started to pray.I pray a prayer for Joyceline and i stumble and stumble as I don't really know how and what to pray.I only know that I should pray a prayer of her leading right to God...

After the prayer,we ended our BS.I met my gap,Qi long,Esther,Jie Ying,Emmeline,we went to City Hall for our lunch at Raffles City Foodcourt.After our breakfast and lunch together,we went a JOURNEY OF WINDOW SHOPPING...Yeah....

Jie Ying first left us after our meeting for meals at Raffles City Foodcourt.Around evening,Liwei came to Suntec to find Emmeline for her BS.After which,Esther went to attend her friend's party and Law came and look for gap at City Hall.We left the both of them and left Qi long and me.

We went back to Suntec and we went to Arcade Centre to play.I played $3 and Qi long did not play.Around 8pm,we went to KFC at basement and I messaged gap but she did not reply so Qi long call her handphone but no reply so we decided to call Law's handphone.

After which,we went back to City Hall to look for gap as Law have to go back home.We went to Jurong East for our dinner at KFC.After finish eating out dinner,we took bus 334 back home.I reached home at around 10 plus...

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