30 May 2006

Projects coming on the way...

Projects coming on the way...

This morning,I almost overslept as I can't wake up.But in the end,I managed to wake up at 6.30am.Thank God...After i woke up,i called my gap to wake up for her work.

This morning,during lesson when I started writing notes,my wrist was so pain but i endure the pain till now still pain when i type here in my own world.

Today,wow....Projects coming le...SBM project is the 1st one,which we have to hand it in 2 weeks time.So rush...Don't you think so??My project mate are Hazel,Mary,Sok Wai,Kristine and Hannah... So stress...

After my class which ended at 4pm.Sok Wai,Kristine,Hannah and I went to Clementi Interchange.After which Sok Wai went to take bus 196 from Interchange to her house while Kristine,Hannah and I took MRT back home.

Kristine stopped at Lakeside while Hannah and I stopped at Boon Lay.After which while I was waiting for my shuttle bus which came at 5.30pm,I went to Jurong Point for a walk till my shuttle bus came.

At about 7.30pm,I went to prepare my things to go work as I have to work at 8pm.I worked till about 12am.

29 May 2006

Sermon is very good

Sermon is very Good

This morning,I woke up at 6.30am and prepared to go service.Today,I'm not miting my gap,Qi long to took MRT to Expo as last Sunday,I bought a shutle bus ticket which cost $2.But Sis Jun paid for me.I was blessed...

Today,Apostle Lawrence Khong is back to Singapore as he went oversea.This morning,he preached Jabez Prayer which is very good sermon.

3 things of prayer:

1)It is a prayer of CONFIDENCE IN GOD-Be BOLD
-->1 chron 4:10
-->Ask God to open up the Heaven,to pour out His Blessing onto us.

2)It is a prayer of CONQUEST FOR GOD-Be HUNGRY
-->God wants us to be Hungry for Him.


Pastor wants us to pray this prayer:

Oh LORD,Bless me,Bless me,Bless me
Enlarge my Territory,Enlarge my Terriorty,Enlarge my Terriorty,
Let Your hand be with me and keep me from HARM so that I can be free from pain.
Deliver me from the Evil.
After the service,which ended at 11am,after that we went to took Jerold(Joy's nephew).About 11.30am,we went to foyer to start our BS.Sis Jun talked to us about Our NEW BIRTH. 1 cor 2:9-10.

After talking about our new birth,we started to pray for one another.I started the ball rolling.I was scared as I long time no pray and indeed I stopped there for 5mins and I haven't even start to pray till Sis Jun have to tell me that I started to pray.I pray a prayer for Joyceline and i stumble and stumble as I don't really know how and what to pray.I only know that I should pray a prayer of her leading right to God...

After the prayer,we ended our BS.I met my gap,Qi long,Esther,Jie Ying,Emmeline,we went to City Hall for our lunch at Raffles City Foodcourt.After our breakfast and lunch together,we went a JOURNEY OF WINDOW SHOPPING...Yeah....

Jie Ying first left us after our meeting for meals at Raffles City Foodcourt.Around evening,Liwei came to Suntec to find Emmeline for her BS.After which,Esther went to attend her friend's party and Law came and look for gap at City Hall.We left the both of them and left Qi long and me.

We went back to Suntec and we went to Arcade Centre to play.I played $3 and Qi long did not play.Around 8pm,we went to KFC at basement and I messaged gap but she did not reply so Qi long call her handphone but no reply so we decided to call Law's handphone.

After which,we went back to City Hall to look for gap as Law have to go back home.We went to Jurong East for our dinner at KFC.After finish eating out dinner,we took bus 334 back home.I reached home at around 10 plus...

27 May 2006

After work,study

After work,study

This morning,i woke up at 6.15am as I worked in the morning shift at 7pm.

After I have prepared,I went down to work and started my day working...So....ooo..tired,man.

After my work,I went back home to take my bag down as miting Jennifer to study.She studied her O's while I studied my CTR(Customer Relation). We studied from 4.15pm till 8pm.Wow...can't imagine 3 hour plus of studying sia...

After studied,I went to buy my dinner...while I went to buy,I left my laptop with Jennifer as she want to load into her MSN.Around 9pm,her mum came and she accompanied her to temple.
And I stayed at my house downstair.

About 9.30pm,2 little boys who is my friends came.After awhile,they left.

Cont. tomorrow,ya..

26 May 2006

Meeting my Friends...

Meeting my friends...

This morning,I totally can't wake up even I have set my alarm.Too..tired 了. After I have bath,my mum asked me to accompany her for breakfast at 7.10am.So blessed as long time no accompany my mum for meals...But my mum no ate,only i ate.ARGG...

Today,supposed mit Kristine at 7.20am at the bus 99 but i was late as ate my breakfast till 7.30am then rushed to bus stop to take bus 99.

After school at 12pm,Kristine,Hannah,Sok Wai and I went down to Lecture Theatre(LT) as it started at 12.30pm.We waited down there for the door to open.After the door has opened,Sok Wai went home,left the 3 of us.

After the meeting,we walked to Clementi Interchange to take shuttle bus to IMM as meeting Ching Yi at IMM,Buger King at 2pm.As we reached early,we decided to go Daiso to shop while waiting for Ching Yi.At about 2pm,Ching Yi called me and we decided to go Burger King to meet her.We saw our malay classmates eating there.

After finished eating,Ching Yi,Kristine and Hannah went to take shuttle bus back while i went to Daiso to buy things and I proceeded to the shuttle bus back home as meeting Alan at my house to drink KOPI.Suppose today I have to work but I no went to work as meeting Alan.

We mit at 5.15pm and we chatted till 7pm then walked back home.Wow...today is my meeting day of friends..Haha...

25 May 2006

Got to work after my school

Got to work after my School

This morning,i woke up at 6.30am and prepared to go school.At 7pm,I called my gap to wake up for her work.

I mit Kristine at 7.20pm at her bus-stop.When,we reached school,its 7.45am.So tired...

At 1.30pm,my manager messaged me whether i can work today?I received my message and replied at 2pm as i put it in silent mode so can't hear.My manager did not replied me after i messaged her.So I called her during my lesson but I did ask my teacher for permission.

I have to work at 7pm till maybe 11.30pm as i was not sure...Hopefully its 11.30pm...

24 May 2006

Almost slept in class

Almost slept in class

Yesterday,I went to Marine Parade for a talk about Da Vicine Code straight after my lesson which ended at 5pm.The talk ended about 10pm.I reached home about 12.15am.When i reached home,i went to bath.After i bath,i sat on my chair and waited for my hair to dry.I slept about 2am in the morning.

This morning,i can't wake up as too tired.But managed to wake up and not late for my class. Thank God !!!Today i almost slept in the class but thank god i did not,i tried my best to wake up and listen to the lesson..so hard...

22 May 2006

Sleep in the lesson

Sleep in the Lesson of SBM

This morning as usual i woke up at 6.30am to go for my school.This morning lesson was quite ok as i did listen up.Around 10.30am,there's a fire alarm drill in school so we had to assemble ourself at the flat pole.During my lunch break at 11am-12pm,I had my lunch after my lunch,i ate my medicine for the tooth pain and also headache.After my lunch is SBM(Small Business Management),I slept during the lesson as i felt very sleeply and tired.

Today after SBM lesson was EFC(Effective Communication) but out teacher,Ms Lim did not come so as usual teacher left assignment for us to do.I finished my assignment and took a break.

After the lesson,it was already 4pm and today i ended school at 4pm.I immediately took bus home and rest.

21 May 2006

Mummy knew me going to Church

Mummy Knew it

Yesterday evening after my work,at about 5pm,i ended my work.I reached home at about 5.15pm.Supposed after my work miting my gap,Esther,Qilong and Qilong's friend at Jurong East but i called gap saying i'm not going to meet them as wana accompany my muumy.After i put down my phone,my mummy said that later she will be going out.I was like HUH...I wana acompany my muumy and she wana go out..Oh Dear..always like that..WHY????

I wana accompany her,she went out.If she stayed at home,i went out...Haiz..Always like that,timing always wrong.

Before she went out,she asked me tommorrow i going out?I told her tommorrow morning,i'm going out.She asked me is it that i going church?I replied her without a thinking i said "Yes". This word is like HUH...Is it me saying out?My mummy did not say anything but she gave me a "SIAN" look.I was like Oh..Oh..Last time when i said i went to church she will nag at me till i can't take it but yesterday is like hmm....

It was like being blessed and now i can go church freely...YEAH!!Thank God...Dear sis,thanks for your prayer that i'm able to go church freely..I wana thank God for you all in my life.Especially Joy Kam Xiu Lin as if not her,I won't be able to go back to Him once again.She is always there for me when i'm down,she encourage me and ask me not to give up.When i have negative thinking,she will say to me can you don't think of that.I remember that there's one time she said that when she called me in the first place i said POSITIVE thinking but about to end i started to say NEGATIVE thinking,this words strucked into my brain cell and i said t myself "Ya wor,why like that?"I wana change it,i told myself.SO BLESS TO HAVE YOU AS MY Sister in Christ.But i not sure if i'm able to pray like last time and also i now not ready in prayer and do quiet time as long time no study and now study is like quite wierd to me.I don't know why i have this feeling.But sometimes in the night,i just read the bible that's all.

So in the end,i stayed at home with my brother for awhile then he went out,lefting me alone at home.So bored...

Today,i woke up at 6am and called my gap to wake up but she has already woke up.After i put down the phone,i quickly went to prepare as miting my gap and Qilong at 6.45am at Chinese Garden 1st cabin.

We reached EXPO at about 8am and it was so early...When we walked to HALL 8,i accompanied them till they went into their service and it was like about 8.20am.I then walked to HALL 9 to the cafe and sat down and called Joy.Before i called Joy,i messaged Jun telling her i reached EXPO 了.She replied back asking me if i wana go for prayer meeting,else will meet us at the service counter but i did not replied her till around 8.45am,then i replied her telling her that i waited for her at the service counter.After message her,i went to washroom.When i was queueing up,Jun called me and i told her i was in the washroom.

After the washroom,i went out to look for Jun.After meeting her,she said that she wana buy ticket for the shuttle bus.I was surprised that there is shuttle bus at Jurong East.So i wana buy and Jun paid for me.It is $2.Yeah...Next week can took shuttle bus but have to reach the taxi stand at Jurong East at 8.15 or early as the bus will left on time.

Today service was very good,Pastor Enguine talked about GOD PLEASER.

After the service,we have fellowship and Jun talked about the old self and new self in Col3:1-17.

After the fellowship,it was about 12.25pm and we ended our fellowship and i took MRT back home.

19 May 2006

Today school holiday

School Holiday for One Day!!

Today,i woke up quite early,suppose not so early as today no school but my god-sis message me and woke me up by the sound of my ringing tones.Haha...So in the end,can't go back to sleep.

At 11.30am,i went my god-bro,James to cut my hair.Suppose today went to my god-sis house at Bedok but she had something on so in the end,i no go.So bored now as nothing to do.

In the end,online MSN with my friends and my dear darling god-bro,Kenneth.

So bored...but now at least got some enteriment.Haha..

18 May 2006

Sick gal

Sick Gal

This morning,i did not went to school as i'm sick again.Toothache,nose bleed and sore throat.
So i woke up at around 6am to message Kristine to let het pass message to the teachers that i'm sick today.

After which,i went to sleep.

Around 12pm,i went to see doctor at Jurong East Polyclinic,but the nurse told me that i have to wait for 1.30pm then can see doc as this morning has been full.So i went back to home to get my laptop and came back to Polyclinic nearby using internet and wait till 1.30pm.

At around 2pm,all doctors are reporting to thier room.My number is 2519 which is the first one,so i went in and it was a lady doctor.

I had a blood test regarding of my nose bleeding and the doctor told me that my white cell is higher abit and its normal. After seeing the doctor,i took bus 98 back home.

17 May 2006

Today,i have 5 hours of break

5 hours of break in school

This morning,i woke up at 6.30am and went to bath.Around 7am,i called my gap to wake up to went for her work.After calling my gap,i prepared to go school.

After i reached school,my class started from 8am-10am(Selling skills),at 9.45am,Mrs wo gave us 15 minutes break before our next lesson started.During our break,Mrs Diana Teo told us that our next lesson(Retail Operations)is cancelled as Mrs Ang went for courses.So around 10.30am, Kristine,Sok Wai,Sui Ling and i went back home.They came to my house and we watched VCD till around 2pm before we set to school.

We reached school around 2.30pm.After our class at 3pm till 5pm.I went back home after class today.Reached home at 5.30pm.

16 May 2006

Long hours of break in school

Long hours of break in School

Today,i started school at 9am as 8am class,Mrs Ang not coming as she has course and she told us to report in school at 9am.I mit Mary,Hazel and Kristine at 8.15 at bus 99.We go to school together.In class,we have a new classmate,her name is Sok Wai.

At 10am,we ended our lesson as most of us has finished our work. Hazel,Mary,Kristine,Hannah,Sok Wai and i went to Clementi Interchange to have our lunch as our next lesson starts at 2pm so we have 4 hours of break in between.So good,Praise the Lord. Mary,Hazel,Kristine and Sok Wai eat in Mac while Hannah and i went to coffeeshop to have our lunch.

p/s:Contiune later on.

After our break,we took bus 99 to school and while waiting for bus 99,i saw Law,he took bus 96 to his hall.After our Small Business Management,we had our Customer Relation but our teacher,Mrs Tay went for course so we did not have her lesson but we have work to do.

After the lesson,i took bus 99 back home and put my things before going to meet Priscillia for movie at Plaza Sing.

We watched the movie called "Poseidon" at 7.20pm.

Wow..the show is very nice to watch and exciting.Friends,do go and watch otherwise you will regret it.After watching the show,Priscillia went back while i stayed at Plaza Sing for awhile before going back home.

Going out after school,Yesterday

Going out after school yesterday

Yesterday,i woke up at 6.30am and saw my mummy's room light is off so i went up and knock the door and asked her,"Don't you wana wake up for work?"She replied saying that her alarm did not ring.After waking her up,i went to prepare to go school.

At about 7am,while i still preparing,Kristine message me telling me that she was out of her house and i replied her asking her to give me some more times and asked her to message Mary asking her "has she ready yet?"

At around 7.15am,i was walking to Mary house,the bus-stop waiting for bus 99.While waiting and waiting,bus 99 did not come so instead of still waiting for bus 99,i took bus 198 to stop at the next stop to meet Kristine instead as Mary had went to school early on.

After reaching school,we went to our class waiting for the 1st lesson which is "SELLING SKILLS" but the teacher,Mrs Wo did not come,another teacher came in,wrote down some words and left the class.She wrote that Mrs Wo took child mc and asked us to do some work and hand it to our class rep. and put it on her table.

After Mrs Wo class,is Mrs Ang class which also no teacher but earlier on,she has told us that Mon and Tue,she will not be here.So we sat in the class and do her work which she has given us last week.

After which is lunch break at 11am-12pm,Kristine,Jiali,Beiying,Meiqian and i went to Clementi Interchange the mac to have our lunch after which we went back to school for our next lesson.

Our next lesson is Small Business Management in which after is Effective Communcation before we can go back home.

After school,Andy came to my school and mit me up as we supposed to mit up on Sunday but we did not mit up on Sunday.Wow...His bike is cool man...Yellow in colour.He drove me to Jurong East Enteriment.We sat at KFC and order some food after which we went to watch movie at Shaw in Jurong East.The movie is called "Mission Impossible 3" which screened at 6.15pm.

After watching the show,Andy has to rush to work while i went to Jurong Point to meet Kristine to see Hazel as she is working at Mos Burger.

I reached home at around 9.30pm.Then after awhile,while i was resting,my nose started bleeding again and i have to stop the bleeding.

"Again!God,can stop the bleeding for me,its very painful after which the bleeding stopped and i will feel restless."I said this prayer.After some times,the bleed stopped,and as usual i felt restless and went to sleep.

14 May 2006

I Reborn Again

Reborn Again In Jesus Name

This morning,i woke up at 6.30am.After i woke up,i called Joy and gap to wake them up.After calling them,i went to bath and preparing to go out to go Expo for service.I mit gap at 7.45am at Chinese Garden 1st cabin.But as i prepared early,i sms gap that i will be waiting for her at Chinese Garden Control Station instead.

While in the train,i turned on my laptop to watch "Dophin Bay" with gap as we going to Expo for service but different church.Gap watched till she cried as the story was so touching but i tried my best not to cry as in Public.

While we alighted at the station,gap and me saw Chang Han and his friend.We walked together to church.While near the foyer,we parted as they went to CHC while i walked straight to FCBC.

During the service,while pastor preached the sermon,it's touched my heart and i redelicate my life to Him.After the service,we had a small bible study at the foyer.During the bible studying,Jun asked us that in what areas we were struggling about?I told Jun and others that i no smoked for 1 week since my last cig on Sunday.Jun told others about a little things of me and i was shy and kept smiling at her.After the bible studying,Jun,Andrew,Yiling and Joy prayed for me as i redelicate my life to Him.I was so touched and happy as i felt they really happy for me.

p/s:I wana thanks Joy for bringing me back to Him once again and encouraged me whenever i'm down.Sis Jun,wana thanks you for encouraging me through sms and calls.Thank God for bringing so many sis into my life.

12 May 2006

Looking at the website in FCBC (2)

Looking at the website in FCBC again

At 10.50pm,i looked at the site in FCBC,carried on with my study of Jesus.

Title:What did Jesus do for you at the Cross?

At the Cross:

- Jesus was punished for my sin so that i might be forgiven and freed from my bondages.
- Jesus was wounded so that i might be healed.
- Jesus took our sinful nature so that i can put on His righteousness.
- Jesus died on my behalf so that i may receive His life.
- Jesus shared poverty so that i may share in His abundance.
- Jesus bore your shame so that i may share in His glory.
- Jesus endured your rejection so that i may be reconciled with God the Father.
- Jesus was made a curse so that i may enter into the richness of all His blessings.

Today,whole day at my grandma house

Whole Day At My Grandma House

Yesterday,i slept very early around 7 plus after i had my dinner.Yesterday,i ran 2.4km in my school compound which meant i ran 2 rounds.After 8 years,i did not run,so tired,felt like no strength but really wana THANK GOD for providing me strength as everyone knows that i smoke and running is a problem as when u smoke,u tend to have no breath to run.

This morning,i woke up @ 9am,actually i tend to sleep more but at 9am,my mum knocked at my door to ask me woke up and prepared to go grandma house.As usually,i lied on my bed for 15 mins before i really got up from my bed...

I had my breakfast before going to bath to prepare going my grandma house.my mun,brother and i got out of the house around 11.15am,took a cab down to Woodlands.

In the evening,we had steamboat for our EARLY CELEBRATION OF MOTHER'S DAY.I ate a lot of food till don't even remember how many rounds i had for it.After don't know how many rounds,i went to the washroom doing my big business(SMELLY).Haha..After doing my business,i contiuned eating till i really can't eat anymore..This is my first time,ate till so full..Wahaha...

After finished eating,we took cab back home.

Wana wish my mum:Happy Mother's Day!!
Thank for everything you done for me.Really mummy,I love you with all my hearts. Muackz..to you,my mummy.

To all mummy,Happy Mother's Day & Have a memorable Mother's Day.

10 May 2006

Looking at the website in FCBC

Website in FCBC

Looking at the website in FCBC,i saw this coloumn "Meet Jesus",i was so curious so i click on teh site to open the web and i saw the title "WHO IS JESUS" so i went to click it on and saw this message:

Jesus Christ is everything that you will ever need.
He is:
-your friend when you are lonely
-your strength when you are weak
-your physician when you are sick
-your provider when you have needs
-your breath of life when you are weary

He is all this and much more!

When god made the world,He make it perfect.You and i could have been living in blissful harmony in His presence.But because of sin(ie.a person rebelling against God),we are separted from Him.No amount of good works and religious piety can overcome this separation.God had to intervene by offering us His only Son,Jesus,to pay the price on our behalf.

The Bible tells us,'For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son,that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.'{Jn 3:16,NIV}.Imagine the love Jesus has for you when He left his position in Heaven to take the punishment meant for you and i.

You can be saved from the penalty of sin.Just understand what Jesus has done for us at the cross and you will be truly amazed at how much you are loved.

09 May 2006

Long hours in school today

Long Hours In School Today

Yesterday till today,i have not sleep yet as yesterday too worried about my gap.I message her,she no replied my message.Called her but she off her handphone,in the end,worried till. ...

This morning,i mit Mary at her bus-stop and saw Hazel over there.Then we took bus 99 to school and we mit Kristine at the bus 99.

We reached school around 8.45am,and we took lift to level 2,our classroom.

After school,Mary and Hazel walked too fast and we can't catch up with them.In the end,left Kristine and i took another bus 99 back home.I did not went home straight away,Kristine and i,we walked to opp 423,the mac to download maplesea..

After which,i mit my gap at 7.30pm @ Clementi to have our dinner...

Slept only 3 hours

Slept only 3 hours

Yesterday,i slept only 3 hours as the next day have to wale up early as have to go school.I woke up @ 6.15am then lied on bed for about 15 mins before i really woke up.

After i woke up,i called Joy to wake her up as she sms mi asking me to give her morning call.After calling Joy,i went to prepare to go school.

At 7am,Mary sms me saying she off her house le and 1 mins later,Kristine sms me saying the whole things again.In the end,i just rushed out of my house without having my breakfast which my mum prepared.

Today,in school,i felt totally charged with energy without any tiredness.Thank God for blessing me the strength.

Today,after school,Mary and Hazel went off first and left Kristine and me.So we walked to the Clementi Interchange with Kris as Kristine wana top-up her Ezlink card while Kris wana go buy things.

When we about to reach Clementi Interchange,i saw Ching Yi doing survery for her SYFC(think so ba).We chatted for awhile before we parted.

I reached home about 5pm,then tried to online as wana chat with Kristine but in the end can't connect and around 6.15pm,i sms Kristine saying i needed to prepare to go work.

I worked @ 7pm till 11.30pm.So tiring day yet doesn't feel that way.So surprising..

08 May 2006

A Day @ FCBC

A Day @ FCBC

This morning,i woke up at 6.50am.I had a bath & prepared to go FCBC for service.I mit my gap at Juro. East 1st cabin at 7.45am.We both went together to service but she went for CHC while i went to FCBC.

Today service is great as Pastor Eugene Seow talked abt Miracles.
3 things about miracles that happen in our life:
1)Available for God
-Always ready for god to use
-When i avail for god to use,He will make ordinary things to extrodinary or special things for us.
2)Attentive to the voice of God
-Ears must open up to the words of god
-Must be sentivitive or aware of God's spoken
-If i obey God's word,miracles will come
3)Must add on His belief
-Must do it if i wana miracles to happen
-God bring miracles to us when we have connection with Him

Miracles are to show who God is

The greatest miracle is to transform life.

Jesus Christ is the same today,yesterday and forever more.(Heb13:8)

The service ended at 10.45am.After the service,i sms my gap that my service has ended and asked her how is her service but she did not reply me.

After the service,Jun,Joy,Mandy,Yiling and i went to foyer for coffee and a short bible study.

Jun taught us how to recoginise God's calling?...etc

After the short bible studying,Jun needed to go back to TC while Joy have to go back and prepared for her mum birthday.Mandy and Yiling also went off while i stayed at the foyer waiting for my gap to finish her service.At 12.30pm,i saw that CHC people were out of the service and i started to sms my gap and even called her handphone but she neither reply nor answer my call.After awhile,i saw brother Victor and i called him and he smiled to me.After i greeted brother Victor,i saw Poh Cheng came out of the hall and i called her to ask where is my gap.She told me that one of the members have to baptise today and she went to support.

In the end,i went off with Poh Cheng to Bugis to have my lunch with her.After having lunch with her,she went back to her office while i went back home to have my medicine as suddenly not feeling so well and cough like hell...

After went back home,i ate my medicine and rested for awhile before going to Joy place to attend her mum birthday.The place was held at her sister house at Pasir Ris.

I went back home at 9pm after watching the "Wisely" show.Reached Boon Lay Mrt,and while i was in 187 bus,Joy called me and asked if i'm back home not.

After reaching my stop,i told Joy that i needed to go 7-11 to check my working schedule.She told me that i can check tommorrow but i told her that tommorrow i won't be able to see.

After checking the schedule,i went out to smoke my last cig. with my collegue and boss.

Reached home around 11.30pm.

06 May 2006

My new laptop

My new laptop

Yesterday,i no go school(ITE,CLEMENTI COLLEGE WEST) as not feeling well so i go polyclinic to see doctor.Doctor gave me MC for yesterday.After seeing doctor,i went to Suntec with my classmate as she accompany me to go & collect my laptop together with Priscillia.We waited for very long & at last i got my laptop but have to pay installment of $108 per month.So happy can get my laptop & play...

Thanks to my friends who accompany me to take my laptop & waited for so long.Thx Pal...