04 September 2005

Sick Gal

Sick Gal,Sob...Sob...

Haiz..Today sick ah...but still going ChC...as wanting to go.I woke up @ 10am to prepared myself as today going church.Supposely Esther going with me but she called and said she was having headache.

After receiving her call,i set out to church.I meeting Mint @ 11.15am @ attributes.Then we went dwn to service.When we were in the Auditorium,Sis Selena called us so we went.

After the praise and worship,i wanting to vomit so i left my place to the restroom.There's 1 lady ursher chasing after me,asking how i feel?I wanted to tell her i'm feeling unrite but i can't as i afraid i will vomit out.

During the service,there's Altar Call about Dispointment...Mint responded and Sis Selena followed her.

I wanting to go back to God but i'm scared and frightened.Shd i go back to Him or Shd i left Him and go my way???

When i reached home,my mum asked me today why no working?I replied her MC as having sore throat.After a while,she asked me again and i replied her in a soft mood as my throat is giving me problem,pain pain...Don't know what went wrong,i quarrelled with her.In the end,i cried as my throat is even painer than before...Sob..Sob...I feel my mum don't care for me anymore le,as she not like last time so care of me...I felt lost and hate to be here.Why must I be here??Why???Anyone can tell me???

I'm so scared and frightened.Why must i born in this world with no fatherly love and now going to have no motherly love le....I wanting to cry...I feel so hurt and don't wish to tell anyone so i decided to write here.

Oh Dear,what shd i do???Where is my Dreams,Visions?Where are there???


Sharine said...

hi sweetie, you dun have to walk down the aisle if you dun wan, but open your heart to God there and there. what's important is you have to be open for Him to work.Dun reject or push Him away, you and i know life without God can be even more scarier! dun!!! and i want you to stay in the light forever! love ya!

Alicia said...

I'm scared...i'm frightened.
If my mum knw abt it,i afraid she will disown mi...i don knw wat 2 do?nw i go church hv 2 lie 2 her... i don wan....i dun wana lie animore...and my work is oso irregular...i reali don knw wat 2 do..i'm confused,crazy soon...