27 August 2005


This morning,i woke up at 8am but i dragged myself on bed as i can't open up my eyes and yesterday night i have to worked and reached home around 12am,slept quite late.Hmm....around 2 plus in the morning.So in the end,i woke up at 8.15am and i quickly go and bathed myself and went to airport by taking MRT.
In the morning as usual there's a lot of people in the train.I have to stand till City Hall,i finally found a seat so i sat down.While travelling to Changi Airport,i slept.
When finally reached Changi Airport,it's around 10am.Wow...it took an hour plus to reach sia..When i reached airport,Terminal 2,first i went to washroom to release myself after that i went to call my friend up.She is at Terminal 1,so i went to sit the Sky Train to Terminal 1.When i reached, Terminal 1,i walked to counter 1 to meet her.She was talking to her friend.Her friend name called Vivian.She is from Taiwan,Taipei.She just known her and released that she is going back from her holiday in Singapore.She is 26 years old,older than me by 1 year.Haha...
After that we went to Staff Canteen to have our breakfast.I took Vivian around the canteen to introduce foods to her.In the end,she chose Duck Rice.While we were eating,i asked her where she went around Singapore.
She told us that she went to Sentosa and found herself missing her way. But in the end,she found her way out.I even asked her whether she have went to Orchard for a walk and she replied NO.So i told her next time,when she came to Singapore again,call us so we can bring her to Orchard for a walk around.
After we finished our breakfast,we went to the Departure Gate as they have to go for check in.Before they went in,Vivian took a piece of paper asking me to write my MSN and address so i wrote down.She even wrote down hers.After we exchanged our address and MSN,they went in.I say Bye to them and take care.
After i sent them off,i called my god-sis who lived at the East Area to checked whether she is free for a drink but she was not free so we said another time and i hang up the phone.
I walked to the station to travelled back home.When i reached Boon Lay Station,i went to Jurong Point to the washroom at level 3.After that,i went to Arcade to play.I played for a while then i took bus 157 back home.I reached home around 2pm.I rested for a while before i have my lunch. After my lunch,i rested on the sofa and turned on the TV.I watched TV till i slept on the sofa till around 5pm as my HP rang.It was my boss called. Haha..But in the end,i no worked la as too tired le.Around 7pm,my mum,brother and i went down to have our dinner.But in the end,we went to the HP shop to enquiry my brother's HP.My mum also upgraded her HP so in the end,we ate our dinner around 8pm.My mum even said next week,will buy me a new HP,Nokia 6610i.I was happy but i did not showed out as i was very tired.After our dinner,we went back home,and i turned on my computer to write my BLOG.Around 9.30pm,my friend,Kenrick called me asking me tomorrow free as he wanted to go church but i told him,i have to work so probably 2 weeks later lol.Haha...

1 comment:

Sharine said...

welcome to the blogging world my dear!