16 February 2006


At Esther Hse
After my work,Esther & David come to my working place & look for me.Waiting for me to knock off.It's already 1 plus in the morning.Then i go to the bank to withdraw some cash before i go back to 7-11 to purchase foods.After purchase my items,i go to Esther hse to eat & online as my com,i cancel my internet as my com lag.
When i online,i chat with Isabel as she is still online.Isabel thanks for your encouragement.Sabrina,you too.I really happy to know both of you when i first came to Church.You both will be there for me whenever i need help or i'm down.
Thanks Friends...Take care...
To my dear Esther and Shimin,thanks for your care & encouragement.
Your are my forever sis.

12 February 2006

Sad Time

I get my O lvl result on fri(10/02),and yesterday,i went out with Priscillia.At night,i saw Amelyn & her boyfreind,Elvin @ Plaza Sing.After which we went home together & they accompany me to drink with my god brother,James.They accompany me till 3am then we went back home. When i reach home,i can't even sleep.2.30pm reach le,i called my friend & asked her to help me checked my result.I was so shocked,MY O LVL RESULT IS SO DAMN F***. Eng:D7,Em:D8,Sc:F9,Ch:C5,POA:F9.I was so shocked as 4 my Sc ah..as whenever i go,i always get my sc book along to study & in the end,i get so damn result..After which,i went out with my friend and Esther,Shimin,my manager called.i did not ans their call only i answer my manager call as i was on stand by on that day.When i was out,Ching Yi called and i answer her call.I don't know why i only answer her call.When i told her my result,i cried.only then i cried out loud.. After we put down the phone,i received her sms,and she sms me,telling me that if i need a talk,i can call her. I feel so useless and hopeless.

Saturday came and i was working in the morning shift,Friday night,till saturday morning,i no sleep as can't sleep.I no cried only when Ching yi called then i cried after which i no cried.Till today night,i no cried,trying my best not to cry. No matter what,i have to overcome it.

Friends,thanks for your encouragement,care & concern.Love ya