31 December 2006

Waking up late

Wow...this morning,supposed to wake up at 6am,in the end,I woke up at 6.45am.Oh dear...late liao,late for service.I quickly went to bath and bath halfway,I called Yilin,Weijie and 'daddy' up. In the end,Weijie said that he not going as he very tired and go another time while 'dady' went back to sleep and I have to call his house...In the end,I left my house late at 7.45am and reached Hall 9 at about 9.10am.

When travelling,Joy called me and accompanied me to I reached Expo then she hang up.Thanks Joy...Today,was so super tired...but thank God,I did not fall a sleep in there.Today sermon was a short one,just 15 minutes.After which is altar call and Yilin,Poh Cheng,Jun,Andrew and me went out to receive it.After that,Jun asked me to go out and help out.So I went to help out.It's so good to help out.

After which,Jun,Andrew,Yilin,Poh Cheng and I walked to the foodcourt and we ate BK,only Poh Cheng and me eating while Jun and Andrew went to Metro Sale while Yilin went back as she lost her handphone this morning and she went back to collect it.Thank God for she recover her handphone.

After which,I mit gappy and we went to Plaza Sing as I went to buy red wine for tonight countdown at my house downstair.

Thanksgiving Day pt 2

Thank God for Weijie as he is coming and he bringing a friend along.So happy can see him since we last mit in school.He only attended 2 weeks of class then he dropped out.Miting him at 5pm at Clementi,the bus 99 there.

After which,we took bus 14 to Haig Courts,where our Thanksgiving was holding.I mit weijie's friend,his name is call Xun Zheng and Weijie call him Zheng ge and I also call him Zheng ge. Haha...When we reached not long,Anni and Yilin came.

It's so fun over there.Almost all the sisters were present except Jocelyn,Joanne and Pauline. Around 7 plus in the evening,'daddy' came by cab with Noel and Noel went for his own Thanksgiving at Roland Restuarant.

Today,I was to present my testimony on How God has blessed me?I was so nervous but thank God as I was able to finish it.Thank Jun for helping me to print it out and edit for me.Thank God for putting me into this family where I can be own-self.

After the Thanksgiving,'daddy' and I went to meet Noel and his cell member,Joanthan.We took cab back home.Before we went to take cab,I went to withdraw money and when I was walking to the ATM machine,I called Weijie up and he asked me about tomorrow church,he wana go.Thank God.I reached home at about 12.10am.So 巧,we sat Weijie's father taxi and his father asked me to bring him to church.I told him that tomorrow,he is going and after that I alight the cab.

30 December 2006

Thanksgiving Day

This morning,I woke up at around 10am and can't sleep back so I woke up and play online game.At about 2.30pm,I stopped playing online game and here I am.Haha...

Today,it's Thanksgiving Day and I looking forward to it. :)

Friends,update you all later... :)


This morning,I woke up at 7.30am.My grandma woke me up as I promised her that I will accompany her to see dentist.I bathed everything then go out with her,my aunt and my 2 cousins; Billy and Winston.

We took bus 900 to Interchange then changed to bus 858 to Yishun.We had our breakfast at Yishun,Chong Pang the market.After which,we went to see dentist and we have to wait about 2 hours so we went to walk around Chong Pang.

At about 10.30am,grandma,me and my 2 cousins went to MacDonald to rest while my aunt contiune to walk around the place.After that,we all rest at MacDonald.At about 11.20am,we walked to the dentist and not long,my grandma and aunt's turn.

After that,we took bus 858 to Interchange and my grandma and aunt took bus 900 back home while my 2 cousins and I went to Time Zone to play.At about 2 plus,we had our lunch after which we went down to play.After that we went to NTUC to buy panadol for aunt then walked back home.

At around 7pm,I went back home to Jurong.I took bus 900 to Interchange and transfered to bus 187.Reached home at around 9pm.Then unpacked my things and went down to Clementi to meet 'daddy' for supper and after his work,we went to IMM to wiait for Noel and went to have supper together.We went to Noel's house first as he need to bath and we mit Mei Xui and Kelvin and together we 5 of them went to have supper at opposite Sis Selena 's house.

We ate till around 2.30am then left the place.we took cab back home while 'daddy' walked back home.When I reached home,it's around 3am and online,play online game.At about 4am,I went to sleep.

29 December 2006

Christmas Eve Photo 24 Dec'06


We three sisters againMe on the left,'daddy' in the center,Anni on the right
Poh Cheng & me with the Angels

Here are some photos taken on Christmas Eve at Orchard when we were at the Countdown Party.

Thanks Anni for taking these photo using her handphone and download and send it to me.

Today,I just received it.Thanks Anni.

Anni's photo 2

Trust In The Lord

Power of Prayer

Here are some more of the pictures Anni has sent to me.

Anni's photo


ISA 40







Today,Anni sent me photo,so cute and I love it as last Sunday,I asked her to send it to me.

Thanks Anni.I really love it.

Movie with Tine



Today,I went to Causeway Point with Tine to watch "Death Note 2".Actually,Tine came all the way to Woodlands to watch the show as I was in Woodlands.Thanks Tine.

We mit at 2pm and mit at the ticket counter.We watched the show at 3.50pm and we finally bought it.Tine was so happy.Since the show started at 3.50pm,we went to walk around Causeway Point till around 3.20pm,we went to the theatre.I bought pop-corn at $5.50 and share with Tine.Tine was so happy that she even count down the time to watch the "Death Note".Haha...

We watched at thearte 2,seat C 15 and C 16.The show ended at about 6.20pm.After the show,Tine and I then went back home. I went to take bus 900 back to my grandma house while Tine took bus 187 back home as she miting her friends for dinner.I reached grandma house at about 7pm and had my dinner.

Hmm...so long did not see my SMMM liao.Haha...She still the same old SMMM,cute,funny... Haha...

26 December 2006

Going to stay at grandma's house

Today afternoon,I went to grandma,I left my house at about 2pm and took bus 187 to Woodlands Interchange.While on the train,I messaged Jun and Joy that I will be alright. Yesterday,was Christmas and yet my day was ruin by it.My damn father...again.Haiz...Think I wouldn't be able to forgive him.It's so hurt not that hurt me it also hurt my mum.I hate to see him.Really don't wish to see him.Hate him hurting this family.

Today,I off my handphone almost the whole day except once a while I on my handphone to check mail.

Sorry friends,if you call me yet it has mentioned that I off the handphone.

Friends,don't worry about me.I will be fine,just give me sometimes to sort it out if not you will see me back to the past.Thanks friend for being there for me.

Especially,Jun and Joy.Thank God for you. :)

Christmas Event,24 Dec'06

This is Jun gave me.I love it!!

24 Dec'06,is Christmas Eve and I woke up at about 6.30am and went to prepare to go service. I mit 'daddy' at the Lakeside first cabin and we went service together.During the journey to Expo,'daddy' slept in the train while I was on the line with Joy.

When we reached Tenah Merah,we saw Poh Cheng and we went together.

After the service,Jun gave me Christmas present.It's a CD.I love it!!Thank Jun for the blessing.
We mit Jocelyn at Hall 9 and we prayed together with Yilin,Poh Cheng,Jun and me.After that, 'daddy' went off as he had to go to work.Jun and Andrew left also so left me,Poh Cheng and Yilin. We ate our lunch at Hall 9.After which,Yilin went off while Poh Cheng and I stayed behind for the youth service at 1.30pm.Anni came in at around 2 pm and my name is jot down as when Anni came,it's already worship time.
After the service,we went back home first and mit at 8.30pm at Orchard Control Station.We went to had our dinner at Scotts Road.After which,we walked to Paragon while FCBC were there singing carol songs.It ended at 12am.After which,'daddy' came to look for us.
In the end,we left the place by cab,which 'daddy' paid for us.Thanks 'daddy'.We first went to Boon Keng,Poh Cheng there followed by Anni at Toa Payoh,then my place,lastly 'daddy'.

Christmas Event on 23 Dec'06

<--- This is the CD that I bought in CHC,attribute.

On 23 Dec'06,I went to CHC for their Christmas events with Poh Cheng.We mit 6pm at Expo and went to their carnival and had our dinner while miting Ada and her cell mates.

We mit at 6.30pm at the carnival as Poh Cheng and I had our dinner.The carnival was at Hall 6 after which we went to Hall 8 for the service.We left Hall 6 at around 7pm.The service started at 7.30pm.

I felt that Ada's cell is very well organised.They had some queueing up for the service,some were at the carnivals waiting for their friends.It's so well organised.Her cell leader has just pregant.Hmm...How do I know?Ada told me as when we were crossing the road,there were many people around and she told me as Poh Cheng was with her.Haha...

After the service,we went to the attributes.I bought planetshakers cd at $ 20 plus.After which,Poh Cheng went back home while Ada,her boy friend and her boy friend's friend and me went to airport to chat.We went to T2,the burger King as T1 burger King a lot of people.At about 11 plus,we left the place.Ada's boy friend took bus at T2 while we all took bus at T1.Ada and I took bus 36 to somerset and took night rider back home.Ada took NR8 while I took NR5.

I reached home at around 1 plus in the morning. I slept at around 3 plus in the morning.

22 December 2006


Wow...today,I miting 'daddy' at 3 pm at Jurong Point for lunch and we went to "Kopitam" to have our lunch and 'daddy' order Western food while I ordered Korean food,the salad fish.It's very nice and cost $3.90.

Before we left IMM,I saw Hazel and she did not work today and she yesterday went to look for Mary at IMM,the Royal Sporting House.

After which,we went to IMM,we sat the free shuttle bus and when we walked further in,when we were browsing the VCD,I saw Illah.Wow...in a day,saw my two of my R1 classmates.So miss them.Haha...

After which,'daddy' went to work while I went to take shuttle bus to Clementi and took train to Bugis as miting Pris for dinner.Pris ordered hot clay poy while I ordered Western food,the grill fish and mushroom soup.It's also very nice.It cost $6.50.Haha...

After our dinner,I went to Lavender with Pris and went for her meeting rehearsal.After that, Pris tell them that I have doubt about her things.I was so surprised and my mind just go blank.Haha...so I have not much to ask them.Haha...

After which,I went back home by taking train to Jurong East as miting 'daddy' and Noel at Jurong East,the mac and we chatted awhile after which we left the place at around 12am.

We took cab back home.First,we went to Jurong East street 24,followed by my house and lastly, 'daddy' house there.It's cost $10 sharp.How do I know?Haha...very easy 'daddy' messaged me that's why I know.Haha...

When I alighted,I went to 7-11 to look for James and waited for him to clean the softee machine then we walked back home.I reached home at around 1 am.Haha...

20 December 2006

Can't sleep

Now,the time is 2.30am and I'm still wide awake.Haha...

Can't sleep.Hmm....Maybe today,I slept too much le.Wahaha...

Now,what can I do?

Hmm...watching VCD and online writing blog at the same time.Still watching my Mr. Fighting. Haha...going to finish soon...

God,please grant me sleep.I wana sleep,I don't want to be like old self which can't sleep in the night.God,help me.I thank You,Lord.

Now,I will try to sleep.Good night,my friends.

19 December 2006

Songs that made me...

Friendster,friendster...Hmm...Candy(SYFC),accepted me and I saw her profile and saw her blog and went to open up her blog and went to her music section and listen to this song which is very nice and making me feel like one.The song title is "You are a Child of Mine" by Mark Schultz. It's a very nice song.I like the song very much.

Today is a raining day and supposely today,I got to pack my room.In the end,too lazy,I did not pack.So today,my whole day was watcing VCD and sleeping in my room.But around 12 plus,I did step out of my room and went downstair to buy vegetable which my mum want me to buy.

After which,I went to laze around in my bed and sleep and wake up and sleep....Haha...

Today is a weather for me to laze around and lazy to get up and do things.

Tomorrow will be a fine day,I want to pack my things...

Don Moen's Song

Still (Be Still My Soul) Don Moen
Hiding Place 2006

Hide me now
Under Your wings
Cover me
Within Your mighty hand
When the oceans rise
And thunders roar
I will soar with You
Above the storm
Father, You are King
Over the flood
I will be still
And know You are God
Find rest my soul
In Christ Alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust
When the oceans rise
And thunders roar
I will soar with You
Above the storm
Father, You are King
Over the flood
And I will be still
And know You are God
When the oceans rise
And thunders roar
I will soar with You
Above the storm
Father, You are King
Over the flood
And I will be still
And know You are God
I will be still
And know You are God
I will be still
And know You are God
Be still and know that I am God
Be still and know that I am God
Be still and know that I am God

With A Thankful Heart Don Moen
Hiding Place 2006

With a thankful heart
And the song of praises
We've come to You
Gather in this place
For the things You done
And for who You are
We worship You
With a thankful heart
With a thankful heart
And a song of praise
We've come to You
Gather in this place
For the things You done
And for who You are
We worship You
With a thankful heart
So we live up our praise
And we live up our sacrifice to You
We offer our praise
And we offer our life in gratitude
For all You do
We worship You
With a thankful heart
With a thankful heart
We will give You praise
You being so good
Cover us with grace
You have been our strength
In the times so dark
So we worship You
With a thankful heart
We lift up our praise
And we lift up our sacrifice to You
We offer our praise
And we offer our life in gratitude
We lift up our praise
We lift up our sacrifice to You
We offer our praise
And we offer our life in gratitude
For all You do
We worship You
With a thankful heart
We worship You
With a thankful heart
We worship You
With a thankful heart
We worship You

One Way by Hillsong

One Way Hillsong
For All You've Done 2003 Jonathon Douglass & Joel Houston

I lay my life down at Your feet
You've the only One I need
I turn to You and You are always there
In troubled times it's You I seek
I put You first that's all I need
I humble all I am all to You
One Way
You're the only One that I could live for
One Way
You're the only One that I
Could live for
You are always, always there
Every how and everywhere
Your grace abounds so deeply within me
You will never ever change
Yesterday today the same
Forever 'till forever meets no end
One Way
You've the only One that I could live for
One Way
You're the only One that I
Could live for
One Way
You've the only One that I could live for
One Way
You're the only One that I
Could live for
You are the way
The truth and the life
We live by faith and not by sight
For You
We're living all for You
You are the way
The truth and the life
We live by faith and not by sight
For You
We're living all for You
You are the way
The truth and the life
We live by faith and not by sight
For You
We're living all for You
You are the way
The truth and the life
We live by faith and not by sight
For You
We're living all for You
One Way
You've the only One that I could live for
One Way
You're the only One that I
Could live for
One Way
You've the only One that I could live for
One Way
You're the only One that I
Could live for

Songs & Songs...

Mighty to Save

Everyone needs compassion
Love that’s never failing
Let mercy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness
The kindness of a Saviour
The hope of nationsSaviour
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
So take me as You find me
All my fears and failures
Fill my life again
I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in
Now I surrender
Shine Your light and let the whole world see
We’re singing
For the glory of the risen King

Words & Music: Reuben Morgan

I want to see Your face
I want to know Your ways
Let Your light shine upon us
I want to know Your power
Come fill me once again
Lift me up in Your hands of grace
And put a new song in my mouth of praise to You
And the world will see and fear Your name
Worthy, worthy is the Lord
Worthy, worthy is the Lord
Worthy, worthy is the Lord
Most high


This moning,I woke up at around 9 plus.Yesterday,I slept around 2am.Now still raining outside since yesterday.So cold but I can still take it.Haha...recently,I'm not feeling so well,having flu.so sad... :(

But I know that He will heal me.Amen!!!

Now I'm listening to this song;"At The Cross".so nice and my heart is being touched by this song.Now learning to remember this song,I wana learn this song.Haha...

At The Cross

Oh Lord You search me
You know my way
Even when I fail You
I know You love me

Your holy presence
Surrounding me
In every season
I know You love me
I know You love me

At the cross I bow my knee
Where Your blood was shed for me
There’s no greater love than this
You have overcome the grave
Your glory fills the highest place
What can separate me now

You go before me
You shield my way
Your hand upholds me
I know You love me

At the cross I bow my knee
Where Your blood was shed for me
There’s no greater love than this
You have overcome the grave
Your glory fills the highest place
What can separate me now
At the cross I bow my knee
Where Your blood was shed for me
There’s no greater love than this
You have overcome the grave
Your glory fills the highest place
What can separate me now
You tore the veil
You made a way
When You say that it is done
You tore the veil
You made a way
When You say that it is done
And when the earth fade
Fall from my eye
You stand before me
I know You love me
I know You love me

18 December 2006

At the Cross-Hillsongs


Oh Lord You
You know my way
Even when I fail You
I know You love me

Your holy presence
Surrounding me
In every season
I know You love me
I know You love me
At the cross I bow my knee
Where Your blood was shed for me
You have overcome the grave
Your glory fills the highest place
What can separate me now
You go before me
You shield my way
Your hand upholds me
I know You love me

More Photo on "Happy Feet"